Inuk identifies new subspecies of butterfly while working with Montreal Insectarium

Siaja Parceaud-May is seen studying insects collected as part of the program. (Maxim Larrivée/Espace pour la vie)

It was a cloudless midsummer day in 2019 when Siaja Parceaud-May noticed a Booth’s sulphur butterfly that had some “noticeable differences.” She was about an hour north of her home community of Kuujjuaq in Quebec’s Nunavik region with a team of entomologists and researchers from the Montreal Insectarium, learning how to identify and collect butterflies. Along a sandy, cleared ridge toward Ungava Bay, she spotted the peculiar critter that would be sent to Montreal for further analysis. Her hunch turned out to be right. More than a year later, insectarium director Maxim Larrivée wrote to her — confirming that she had discovered a new subspecies of Colias tyche. To her surprise, it would be named in her honourColias tyche siaja!

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